CS10L - Laboratory Exercise #4 - 2nd Term - 20122013

Problem statement: Based on an automobile's model year and weight the state of New Jersey determines the car's weight class and registration fee using the following schedule
Model YearWeightWeight ClassRegistration Fee
1970 or earlierLess than 2700 lbs1$16.50
 2700 to 3800 lbs2$25.50
 More than 3800 lbs3$46.50
1971 to 1979Less than 2700 lbs4$27.00
 2700 to 3800 lbs5$30.50
 More than 3800 lbs6$52.50
1980 or laterLess than 3500 lbs7$19.50
 3500 or more lbs8$52.50
Using this information, write C++ program that accepts the year and weight of an automobile and determines and displays the weight class and registration fee for the car.

    Laboratory Exercise #4
    @author Red Berroy
#include <iostream.h>
int main ()
 int m_year,weight;
 //Variable names
 cout<<"Enter the year model: ";
 //Enter year model
 cout<<"Enter the weight of the car: ";
 //Enter weight
 if (weight < 2700 && m_year <= 1970)
  cout<<"Your weight class is 1"<<endl;
  cout<<"Your registration fee is $16.50"<<endl;
 else if (weight >= 2700 && weight <= 3800 && m_year <= 1970)
  cout<<"Your weight class is 2"<<endl;
  cout<<"Your registration fee is $25.50"<<endl;
 else if (weight > 3800 && m_year <= 1970)
  cout<<"Your weight calss is 3"<<endl;
  cout<<"Your registration fee is $46.50"<<endl;
 else if (weight < 2700 && m_year > 1970 && m_year < 1980)
  cout<<"Your weight class is 4"<<endl;
  cout<<"Your registration fee is $27.00"<<endl;
 else if (weight >= 2700 && weight <= 3800 && m_year > 1970 && m_year < 1980)
  cout<<"Your weight class is 5"<<endl;
  cout<<"Your registration fee is $30.50"<<endl;
 else if (weight > 3800 && m_year > 1970 && m_year < 1980)
  cout<<"Your weight class is 6"<<endl;
  cout<<"Your registration fee is $52.50"<<endl;
 else if (weight < 3500 && m_year >= 1980)
  cout<<"Your weight class is 7"<<endl;
  cout<<"Your registration fee is $19.50"<<endl;
 else if (weight >= 3500 && m_year >= 1980)
  cout<<"Your weight class is 8"<<endl;
  cout<<"Your registration fee is $52.50"<<endl;
    return 0;


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